Raw. Cooked. Whole. Slivered. Pureed. Or just eat their shoots! Snap peas are one delicious peak to summer.
This marinade turned out superb, you can bet we’ll be recycling the recipe for an easy weeknight chicken or tofu, BBQ’d or oven braised. Or just stock pile on this amazing albacore tuna from Afishionado!
‘Porcini BBQ Genie’ loves the soy sauce, add a little maple syrup and you’ve got a great “sticky” marinade. Dalhousie Maple Products has got you covered, they’ve produced a perfect maple syrup to aid in this dish and to earn a spot in your kitchen! (pst..they deliver right now!)
Snap peas are popping out galore, so shouldn’t be hard to land yourself some from a local farmer in your area. Thank you Streamside Farms for growing these ones. If you’re in Pictou County and looking for pea shoots, look no further than our friends at Bramble Hill Farms – microgreens are her jam!
If you’re not used to having fish on the rarer side – I would like to take a second to highly pressure you to try it.