Line-Caught Fish Stew with Summer Vegetables

This dish came together without a thought, which makes it the perfect recipe to share as it was easy and nothing you had to plan ahead for. Just as long as you have some fish, you can really put any of the local vegetables you have waiting to get enjoyed in there.

The local broccoli is boomin’ right now and the kale we spotted just looked so good we couldn’t resist. I usually tend to buy my kale in spring or fall, but here we are in middle August and it just looked so good.

Did you know that Logan’s Daily Catch has set up shop next to the Pork Shop? They have a fabulous selection of seafood and now they’re super accessible right in Westville.

With fresh tomatoes coming out around this time, you can get even more local and use your own peeled tomatoes!

We served this over rice, but I would also eat this straight out of a big bowl served with crusty bread.


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