Pork Chops with Apple + Rhubarb Pan Sauce

Rhubarb is in the air! and everywhere!
Our go-to’s are always something along the lines of muffins and stewed rhubarb with yogurt and toast. So let’s use it as a savoury!

A couple weeks ago we got a lovely apple sample from Suprima Farms in our farmers market order Small, non sprayed apples, great for our toddler who loves to take a bite and leave it somewhere to be found on another date. We used these apples as the inspiration of our dish, paired with the copious amounts of rhubarb we’re seeing right now.

Since our Espresso Nice spice blend has a bit of sweetness with a hint of coffee flavour, this recipe hits on the sour, the sweet and the savoury. What better cut to use than pork chops from Little Dorset Farms. Pork takes on these flavours like a champ! You won’t be disappointed.


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