Right now is tomato season - the best time to have a BLT.
We took this classic sandwich and kicked it up a notch; heirloom tomatoes, beef bacon and an umami rich porcini-anchovy-caper mayo. The few extra steps pay off, this sandwich was ... Delicious!
The copious amounts of tomatoes right now have us stock piling always more than we can eat. So getting inspired on new ideas to use them up is always welcome. It is such a short season, so lets dig in. You know you'll be missing them come November!
Salt your tomatoes! It has blown our minds the difference it makes. We have said it before, and you will probably hear us say it again! Slice, salt, walk away for a bit.
All of these ingredients are pretty accessible through your local farmers or farmers markets. So shop local, you make the world of difference to these small businesses and in return, you get a pretty stellar product.